Southern Cross 
Owners' Association 

SCOA 2020 Annual Meeting - hotel under construction but fun and informative gathering

07 Feb 2020 6:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

SCOA weekend update; Hotel was undergoing major upgrade but despite the construction a small group of 20 from RI, Mass, New York, Maine and as far away as Chicago and Virginia representing  SC31, SC 35, SC 39’s descended to have a quality weekend. Commodore Gary Benson traveled from NY and met a small group in the Commodore’s suite. Bill & Deb met Brian and Tom at Coddingtons Brew Pub on the way to start the discussions early.

Saturday morning Michael DeSisto kicked off the meeting with a presentation on repowering his SC35 Lucky Stars.  Michael has owned a SC 31 and a SC35 and had lots to share.

Nels Larson, lead faculty member for Marine Systems International Yacht Restoration School of Trades and Technogy, described what is the service life of various equipment on a typical 40’ sailboat. I described an Awlgrip job on SC31 MoonCusser followed by some slides of a 3000 miles sail my daughter Kaleigh made aboard the Sailing School Vessel Robert Cramer from Tahiti to Hawaii studing pacific reefs. Lunch was served followed by a tour of the Marine Systems group at IYRS in Newport or visiting Newport Nautical. SCOA Member. Commodore’s Award recipient and transatlantic sailor Tom Trump described his northern transatlantic journey from Nova Scotia to Falmouth England, then England to the Canaries onto the British Virgin Islands (eventually home to the Chesapeake Bay) aboard SC35 Cape Doctor

Our business meeting showed our members and some healthy accounts to keep us going. SCOA members promised to host a Maine rendezvous this summer and will plan that out by March. So stay tuned. We are putting more on the web for members including all the past issues of the newsletter –over 2000 pages, all the drawings that were scanned – over 150 drawings for all models – SC28, 31, 25 and 39. This will be accomplished soon and it’s a good time to join and get access to all these new items.

Dinner included entertainment by Captain Ed and others who enjoyed the rest of the evening.

Stay tuned to the Web site for more dates on the rendezvous, mark your calendar for Saturday February 6, 2021, join SCOA if you haven’t already and read up all the newsletter. Issue 104 will be published in the next week and issue 105 is already being put together for early spring.

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