Southern Cross 
Owners' Association 


  • 01 Jan 2021 11:54 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Greetings and Happy New Year !

    Due reminders are set on autopilot and we welcome your response and updates. 

    The virtual meeting is planned for Saturday February 6, 2021. This will be fun and informative to be sure. 

    Please send dues and quick updates for the newsletter and make your plans for the annual meeting !

  • 31 Dec 2020 11:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Issue 106  has just been posted. Happy New Year.

    Printing and mailing will follow shortly.

  • 07 Feb 2020 6:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    SCOA weekend update; Hotel was undergoing major upgrade but despite the construction a small group of 20 from RI, Mass, New York, Maine and as far away as Chicago and Virginia representing  SC31, SC 35, SC 39’s descended to have a quality weekend. Commodore Gary Benson traveled from NY and met a small group in the Commodore’s suite. Bill & Deb met Brian and Tom at Coddingtons Brew Pub on the way to start the discussions early.

    Saturday morning Michael DeSisto kicked off the meeting with a presentation on repowering his SC35 Lucky Stars.  Michael has owned a SC 31 and a SC35 and had lots to share.

    Nels Larson, lead faculty member for Marine Systems International Yacht Restoration School of Trades and Technogy, described what is the service life of various equipment on a typical 40’ sailboat. I described an Awlgrip job on SC31 MoonCusser followed by some slides of a 3000 miles sail my daughter Kaleigh made aboard the Sailing School Vessel Robert Cramer from Tahiti to Hawaii studing pacific reefs. Lunch was served followed by a tour of the Marine Systems group at IYRS in Newport or visiting Newport Nautical. SCOA Member. Commodore’s Award recipient and transatlantic sailor Tom Trump described his northern transatlantic journey from Nova Scotia to Falmouth England, then England to the Canaries onto the British Virgin Islands (eventually home to the Chesapeake Bay) aboard SC35 Cape Doctor

    Our business meeting showed our members and some healthy accounts to keep us going. SCOA members promised to host a Maine rendezvous this summer and will plan that out by March. So stay tuned. We are putting more on the web for members including all the past issues of the newsletter –over 2000 pages, all the drawings that were scanned – over 150 drawings for all models – SC28, 31, 25 and 39. This will be accomplished soon and it’s a good time to join and get access to all these new items.

    Dinner included entertainment by Captain Ed and others who enjoyed the rest of the evening.

    Stay tuned to the Web site for more dates on the rendezvous, mark your calendar for Saturday February 6, 2021, join SCOA if you haven’t already and read up all the newsletter. Issue 104 will be published in the next week and issue 105 is already being put together for early spring.

  • 23 Jan 2020 9:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The SCOA Members section is under construction. More back issues of the newsletter, boatbuilding manual, Sales/Marketing information are being added. Stay tuned.

    Issues 1-86 have 1800 pages of information. There is a lot to read.

    Also, putting all the newsletters into one giant document. Why? After issue 62 the pdf's were searchable whereas the fist 62 are just images and would have to be rescanned. that will be a project for another day but at least you might be able to find what you are looking for. 


  • 23 Jan 2020 9:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2020 Annual Meeting  

     Saturday, February 1, 2020

    The SCOA Annual meeting is a great opportunity to learn more about SC boats, boat gear, and meet and connect with other owners. Come meet new friends or reconnect with old ones. 

    The annual meeting location will be:

    Best Western Mainstay

    157 Admiral Kalbfus Road

    Newport, RI 02840


    Mention Southern Cross Owners' Association to make your hotel reservations

    Agenda (subject to change)

    Presentations;  Nels Larson, International Yacht Restoration School (IYRS); Marine Systems Michael DeSisto -Repowering a SC 35

    Nels has over thirty years’ experience in the marine industry. Graduating from trade school in 1983, he became passionate about sailing yachts during the America's Cup held that year in Newport, RI.

    Nels has worked for prestigious yacht builders including Cambria Yachts and Ted Hood Yachts where he gained extensive knowledge in building and repairing onboard marine systems. Nels used his hands-on and client management experience to start his own company, Nordic Marine, which builds, refits, and repairs marine systems on notable yachts including DoradeSantanaOliver Hazard Perry and many others.

    Nels holds an ABYC Master Technician certification. 


    SCOA Member Presentations;  Michael DeSisto -Repowering a SC 35

    SCOA Member Presentation; Tom Trump; Transatlantic Journey  

    SCOA Member Presentations;  Bill Duggan will describe Kaleigh Duggan's  Pacific Reef Expedition from the Sea Education Association Class 280 Tahiti-Hawaii on board the SSV Robert Seamans. Reefs from Mo0rea, Rangiroa, Caroline, Christmas Islands will be shown.

    Some afternoon break time at IYRS and/or Newport Nautical  

    Entertainment by Captain and Member Ed Cazsazza 


    others to be announced soon

  • 16 Apr 2018 10:32 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The weekend of August 18 / 19 will be the SCOA Summer Rendezvous, to be held at the Quonset Davisville Navy Yacht Club (81 Wescott Road, North Kingston, RI 02852; 401-294-4912 (

    Those arriving Friday night have the option of dining at the club or bringing your own food to cook using the club's outside grills.  Plenty of local restaurants to choose from, too, being so close to Newport. 

    Saturday will follow the pot-luck tradition; you will have the benefit of sitting down to your meal under the club's 40x60 tent (there at be other's sitting under it too, but there will be plenty of room for all).

    Slip fees are $1.50 / foot for non-members.  If anchoring is preferred, once you enter the harbor, to your right is the field; left to the slips.

    If you are looking for boat stuff, Wickford Marine Consignment is located close by at 7725 Post Road in North Kingston (401-295-9709)

    Once you decide on your participation, let Andy Hammond know.  E-mail him at and let him know whether you are driving or sailing in, and whether you'll be in a slip or on a mooring.   

    Thanks to John Hacunda for jointly supporting this event,  and to John Walsh for his experience, guidance and work with the club to get us there.

  • 06 Feb 2016 1:37 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Make plans for the Annual Meeting, February 6 & 7, 2016

    Hotel has extended sign up to January 9 or later as long as room are available at SCOA Rate. Sign up Now. Come for the day or weekend!. Hope to see you there.

    Issue 94 posted to web and both copies (Issue 93 & 94) have been mailed. If you don't get these copies by 1/10 please email the newsletter editor.

    SCOA Newsletter survey launched - please take a few minutes to complete. Click Here:

  • 24 Mar 2014 5:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Plans are underway for a SCOA gathering at the Quonsett Davisville Navy Yacht Club in Allen Harbor.  Allen Harbor is a lovely, protected harbor just northwest of Jamestown with easy access to Newport and most of the sailing destinations in Narragansett Bay.

    Thanks to former SCOA Commodore Jack Walsh, we have been able to reserve the dates  of July 12-13 at the Quonsett Davisville Navy Yacht Club.  

    There will be slip space available and some space in an anchorage area.  The club has complete facilities including a full kitchen and dining area.  There are also walking trails and beach areas available to us.  We will have our own dinner on Saturday evening at the club.  On Sunday morning, the yacht club puts on a terrific breakfast at very reasonable cost.  And for those driving in, there is plenty of parking space.

    We are also planning a short cruise in Narragansett Bay after the rendezvous to which all SCOA members are welcome.  Some of our options include Potters Cove on Prudence Island, Dutch Harbor, Jamestown, Mount Hope Bay and the Kickamuitt.  

    Please join us!  We would love to see all of you.  If you have a special destination in/around Narragansett  Bay, please let us know.  We're sailors, we're flexible!

    If you would like to join us, please contact:

    Carol Bliven at
    or 508 994-2239


  • 26 Feb 2014 2:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    1) Please take a moment and update your profile

    2) The features available here are for are:

    On-line Member directory

    Member-member Forum; General Forum

    Posting of Newsletter.


    Good luck and email me if you have any questions.

  • 26 Jan 2014 11:19 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Please join us for the 2014 Southern Cross Owners Association Meeting
    When:  February 1st in Newport Rhode Island.
    Place:   Best Western – the Mainstay Inn
    Room Cost:  $62.09 plus tax per night – Rooms reserved

    Meeting Cost:  $30 pp which includes Refreshments, lunch and room
    Dinner Buffet: $30 pp
    Annual Dues:  $25.00 per boat, if not already paid.

    Agenda includes favorite destinations, member to member improvements.
    Full agenda will be posted on website

    SCOA Member Sabin Peterson put this survey together. Please cut and past
    into your browser or click on the link to take the survey. The survey will be
    used as input for planning next year.

    Annual Meeting Survey

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